Posted on January 2, 2018
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How many nights have you spent tossing and turning with back pain often brought on by strain from bad posture, trying every position possible to get comfortable and getting up the next morning feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed? Worse still, you spend the next day feeling irritable and weary, only to […]
Filed under: Back Pain, Lower back pain, Muscle pain, Neck pain, Osteopathy
Posted on November 8, 2015
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Mrs Dunne (not her real name) came to see me with back pain but she couldn’t understand why she had it, as she was always active, and she hadn’t lifted anything heavy or from an awkward position recently. Yesterday she found it difficult to get out of bed and so decided to see me her […]
Filed under: Arthritis, Lower back pain, Muscle pain, Osteopathy, Sports and works related
Posted on December 10, 2014
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Yes it is a play on words, but carrying heavy bags and the whole stress of Christmas can be a real strain on our backs, shoulders and necks. The stress of it can also bring on headaches. Father Christmas really does need to be fit to visit so many places let alone squeeze through those […]
Filed under: Arthritis, Lower back pain, Muscle pain
Posted on October 9, 2014
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Office workers are being encouraged to take care of their backs to ease back pain as part of this year’s BackCare Awareness Week which runs between 6 – 10 October According to a BackCare survey half of us are affected by back pain and 7.6 million working days were lost due to work-related back pain […]
Filed under: Lower back pain, Neck pain, Osteopathy
Posted on October 9, 2013
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This week is National Back Care Awareness Week and is focusing on Caring for Carers. There are around 6.5 milion unpaid carers in the UK who frequently put the needs of others before their own, sometimes sacrificing their own health and wellbeing. In a recent survey 83% of carers reported that their caring responsibilities had […]
Filed under: Lower back pain
Posted on May 9, 2010
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At last! It’s time to sort the garden out before the long hot summer. (I’m always an optimist!). It’s easy to overdo it. You really don’t need to dig up the whole garden in the one weekend, even if the seedlings are taking over the kitchen. Even if you are not a gardener almost all […]
Filed under: Lower back pain