Osteopath 4 Business
Fit for work?
No matter whether your work is in the office or outside you need to be able to cope with the individual demands made on your body by the type of work you do.
Manual work has the inherent risk of injury caused by heavy and awkward lifting, over stretching, and periods of prolonged bending causing back and disc injuries, sciatica and muscle strains.
Desk work can affect neck and shoulders, (and back due to prolonged sitting) causing headaches and wrist pain.
Those who drive for a living may have back, neck and shoulder problems, but also suffer aches and pains in their hips, knees and feet.
The facts
After colds, flu and stomach upsets the main reasons for short term absences are musculoskeletal conditions including back and neck pain and stress. The main causes of long term absence are musculoskeletal conditions, back pain, stress, mental ill health and acute medical conditions(1).
The average level of employee absence is 7.4 days a year. The average cost of absence per employee a year is £692(1).
Up to 30% of all GP appointments are about musculoskeletal conditions, and are the reason for the most common repeat prescriptions(2).
Low back pain is reported by about 80% of people at some time in their life(2).
Getting help early on not only means less pain and distress, but reduces financial loss and potential for the condition to become a long term problem(3).
A visit to the osteopath can help both employee and the employer
Osteopathic treatment is individually tailored to each patient to create the best conditions to encourage the healing process, and will include self-help exercises and stretches. Other guidance may include work station set up, postural advice as well as manual handling tips.
An employer can benefit from having a fitter workforce with increased morale, who are more able to be efficient and productive due to improved health, comfort and mobility, with less time off for ill-health. Osteopaths can have a valuable role in employee’s health and wellbeing – whatever the size of your business.
(1) CIPD 2009, Absence Management Survey, Accessed April 2010 www.cipd.co.uk/subjects/hrpract/absence/_absence_management_summary.htm
(2) Department of Health 2006, The Musculoskeletal Services Framework- a joint responsibility: doing it differently, Accessed April 2010 www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4138413
(3) Carol Black 2008, Working for a Healthier Tomorrow, Accessed April 2010 www.workingforhealth.gov.uk/Carol-Blacks-Review/